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hebrew and gender
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Level : Video
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Hebrew and Gender with Tal Janner-Klausner (Knowledge of Language)

Hebrew language educators as well as learners as young as kindergartners have increasingly engaged in discussions for and against the linguistic purity or rigidity of gender assignment of masculine and feminine to pronouns, objects and verbs. Join us in this complimentary webinar to share and learn about ways you can make Hebrew more inclusive for all your students and how you can empower your students in impacting the evolution of the Hebrew language.  Hebrew Language Education/Knowledge of Language 

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ביטוי עצמי רב־מגדרי בשיעורי עברית

Gender diversity in Hebrew classes (English)


Join Hebrew teachers, Hebrew leaders, and other school leaders for an intensive, virtual conference on Sunday, April 3, 11:30 – 3:30 EDT. 

Click here for more information and to register