Featured Member Schools & Educators

Krieger Schechter CONNECTS in Israel

Amid an insidious war, with so many yeshivot and day schools cancelling their Capstone Trips to Israel, Member School Highlight recently caught up with Krieger Schechter’s K-8 Hebrew Department Chair, Lilach Arie, and Head of School, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, to hear about their once-in-a-lifetime experiences in Israel, with their 8th grade
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Reading is Fundamental at Seattle Hebrew Academy

The Pacific Northwest is a vast geographical region, with pockets of thriving Jewish life. Each of the twelve Jewish day schools and Yeshivot, located in the major cities of Oregon, Washington State, and Vancouver are distinctive. What works at one school might not apply at another school, yet all are working
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Commemorating and Celebrating Israel’s 76th birthday at Luria Academy of Brooklyn 

Never in the history of the Modern State of Israel have Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut been so fraught as this year. How to commemorate and then celebrate when never have so many civilians lost their lives to terrorism, nor have so many soldiers been lost in the fight against terrorism?
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Super-Cool SHINSHINIM: Magic Potion for Enthusiastic Middle School Hebrew Studies at The Brandeis School of San Francisco

At The Brandeis School of San Francisco Students have the choice to continue their Hebrew language studies or switch to Spanish when they enter 6th grade.   The numbers of self-selected Hebrew students remain strong, thanks to the influence of smaller groups and accelerated progress of those who decide to continue learning
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In Memphis, Tennessee, Israeli Music Soothes Bornblum’s Soul

Music quite naturally stands at the core of learning at the Jewish day school in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee. After all, the city of Memphis is anchored by “Graceland,” the legendary home of Elvis Presley, of blessed memory, arguably one of the greatest American songwriters, singers, and performers of all
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How The Leffell School’s Sarit Nevo Ended up Presenting at the Global Language Conference

Assuring students’ achievement in communicative Hebrew language skills is a high priority at The Leffell School. The Hebrew leaders of each division are deeply committed to the professional growth of their teachers and the senior leadership is equally committed to the professional growth of the Hebrew leaders.   Dr. Michael Kay, Leffell’s
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Building an Oasis of Jewish Joy: The Story of the Adelson Campus

Close your eyes and imagine being a child in the middle of a desert, growing up and being educated in an oasis of Jewish joy. What picture comes to mind? Your imagination may have taken you to one of many communities in Israel. Or, it may have taken you to the
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Bilingual English-Hebrew PBL Bring Joy To Learning at Denver Jewish Day School

Denver Jewish Day School has a long and proud history as a member of Hebrew at the Center. Over the years, the status of both Hebrew language and the Hebrew teaching faculty have risen in stature in this K-12 community day school in the Mile-High City. Today, secular and Hebrew language
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