Infuse Hebrew into Your Informal Jewish Education

Amitei Ivrit (Hebrew Fellows) returning in 2024!

Informal Jewish education in camps, synagogues, day schools and JCCs is recognized as one of the most powerful engines for community and identity building, a key element in the Jewish educational path that changes lives of both campers and staff. The Hebrew language is yet another extraordinary tool that helps connect Jews to their people, Israel, culture, and values.

The recent publication of the award-winning book Hebrew Infusion demonstrates that bringing community and identity building together can help camps accomplish their community building and educational goals. Hebrew at the Center is pleased to bring back the ever-popular Amitei Ivrit program to bring Israeli Hebrew Fellows to overnight camps and year-round settings around the world.

Interested in participating? Email to get your questions answered.

We are a now accepting applications for our premier Amitei Ivrit Hebrew fellowship for Cohort 4 for camps, and Cohort 2 for year-round programs.

Work for a Year-Round Organization with an Informal Jewish Education Component? Nominate an Amitei Ivrit (Hebrew Fellow) or Apply for Yourself

Based on our previous success in Hebrew infusion at summer camps, we are expanding this program to the wider world of informal education, including synagogues, JCCs, Jewish youth groups, and others. Our data has proven that by increasing Hebrew vocabulary availability and access, youth feel more connected to their people, Israel, culture and values.

This is a great opportunity for program professionals to enhance their personal toolboxes and incorporating Hebrew in their classrooms, activity spaces, youth lounges, and programming.

Interested in participating next year? Email to get your questions answered.

We are a now accepting applications for our premier Amitei Ivrit Hebrew fellowship for Cohort 4 for camps, and Cohort 2 for year-round programs.

Cohort 2 Year-Round Amitei Ivrit Fellowship

Based on our previous success in Hebrew infusion at summer camps, we expanded the Amitei Ivrit fellowship program to the wider world of informal education, including synagogues, JCCs, Jewish youth groups, day schools, and others. This is a great opportunity for program professionals, regardless of if they are Hebrew teachers or not even proficient in Hebrew, to enhance their personal toolboxes and incorporate Hebrew in and beyond their classrooms, activity spaces, youth lounges, and programming. Nine educators participated in 2023-24 and will continue in their second year in the program. We are welcoming applications for 2024-25. 

Interested in participating? Email to get your questions answered. 

We are inviting a select number of organizations to participate in a two-year program to support a more intentional approach to using Hebrew language and engagement through experiential learning. 

  • Each organization will send the designated educator to a training with Hebrew at the Center in April 2024, where they will have the opportunity to think critically about where Hebrew infusion might fit best in their organization and receive experiential games, posters, stickers, signs, and placards to hang up around the building, and a detailed and comprehensive program guide. 
  • In the first year, the goal is to better understand how the organizations’ unique missions and cultures can leverage this initiative, including which other staff members can participate as collaborators, with subsequent years helping to build upon these learnings. 
  • The project begins with the fellows considering their current connection to Hebrew engagement and identify ways in which Hebrew can be used to advance their educational and organizational goals. 
  • Fellows will meet quarterly with their cohort to share, review and gather feedback on their pilot programs to infuse Hebrew into their informal educational spaces, culminating in an end of the year exhibition. 
  • In the winter, the fellow and their supervisor participate in short, focused conversations and training to surface questions and identify goals. 

Cohort 4 Camp Amitei Ivrit Fellowship

  • Participating camps will receive funding to subsidize hiring or designating from current staff an Amitei Ivrit who brings new and fun activities, tools that support observation and learning, skills to facilitate discussions about Hebrew and culture, and understanding about change. 
  • The Amitei Ivrit will test new program ideas, whether with specific age groups or program areas, and work with the full mishlachat (staff) to leverage their Hebrew and passion. 
  • The goal is to better understand how a camp’s unique missions and culture can leverage this initiative, with subsequent summers helping to build upon these learnings. 
  • Amiei Ivrit will be selected based on prior experience at North American Jewish summer camps and their understanding of the unique nature of camp, passion for Hebrew and experience in informal education, and openness to creating new culture in partnership with camp leadership and camp staff. Priority will be given to candidates who are returning to a selected camp or are open to returning to the same camp for future summers. 


 At Summer Camps In Ten-Month Settings 
Staffing HATC connects camps with a trained Hebrew Fellow that comes prepared with activities for Hebrew infusionEach organization designates an existing staff member to be trained as a Hebrew Fellow who receives training on Hebrew infusion



Fellows bring a toolbox of activities and materials designed to be used in a summer camp setting Fellows bring a toolbox of activities and materials designed specifically for the setting where the Fellow works 



Training takes place in the spring with seasonal summer staff Training takes place in the spring and summer for school year/year-round staff 
Target Audience Camps serving campers (ages 5-18) and their college-age staff Jewish settings with informal educational programs serving elementary through high school students 
Fellowship Grant Camps contribute $1,500 towards the program; Hebrew at the Center provides training, project management, materials, and a $2,500 grant towards the Fellow’s salary Camps contribute $1,000 per year towards the program; Hebrew at the Center provides training, project management, materials, and a $2,000 grant towards the Fellow’s first year salary and $1,000 towards the Fellow’s second year salary 
Application Process The application process takes place in the fall with camps being selected in the winter The application process takes place mid-winter with organizations and fellows selected in the late winter 



  • Planning Time: The introduction of a new program always requires some planning time prior to implementation, and ongoing conversations to problem solve and ensure appropriate adjustments. Program supervisors will need to dedicate a few hours for these conversations over the arc of the year.
  • Onsite or Virtual Visits: At least one visit per year by a member of the HATC staff, with partners being asked to help arrange opportunities for observation of the Fellow and conversation time with key stakeholders.
  • Evaluation: Organizations will be asked to include evaluation questions for participant and staff surveys to understand the impact and help further refine the program and its implementation. Results of initiative evaluation will be shared with all participating organizations to inform progress and adjustment in subsequent years.

Hebrew continues to be an underutilized but powerful tool for Jewish engagement that creates opportunities to access and deepen Jewish identity, connection with the Global Jewish community, meaning making, and pathways to values, text & traditions, and Jewish culture. We remain excited about this effort and look forward to its continued growth.

To learn more or to apply to bring this project to your organization, email


This program was originally developed as a program with The Jewish Agency for Israel, thanks to the generous support of the Patrick & Lina Drahi Foundation, and powered by Hebrew at the Center.