Games for the Israel Deck-Tionary

Heads Up

  1. Put the entire deck in front of the first player. 
  2. Have a timer ready and set for 20 seconds
  3. Without looking at it, the player holds a card face out on his or her forehead. The group gives clues about the word 
  4. When a player guesses the correct word, they keep the card. 
  5. Each player gets 20 seconds to get as many cards as possible. 
  6. For beginners, allow them to spend a few minutes looking through the cards to see their meanings before starting the game.


Apples to Apples

  1. Divide the deck into a pile of “Descriptor” and then all other cards together into the Main pile. To start the game, each player should choose 5 cards from the Main Pile. Do not let others see your cards.
  2. For each round, select a judge. This person will draw a Description Card from the pile and place it face up in the center of the table. This person will not play this round but will instead judge the winner.
  3. After seeing the Description Card the judge lays down, players will look at their cards and select the one that they think fits that description the best. Place that card face down by the Description Card. Note: Since this game is subjective, players should take into account who the judge is for that round and what he/she may choose.
  4. The judge will then read each submitted Card aloud, but no one in the group is allowed to tell which card is theirs yet! Then the judge will select the Card that s/he feels best fits the Description Card.
  5. The winner of the round gets to keep that Description Card. All of the other cards that were laid down should be discarded.
  6. For the next round, each player draws a new Main Card to replace the one laid down. The judge for the next round is the person to the right.
  7. The game ends when everyone has been the judge OR you run out of Noun Cards (whatever you prefer). The winner is the one who has collected the most Description Cards.


Israeli Madlibs

Thanks to the iCenter for this resource for Israel-themed madlibs. 

Use the Deck-tionary cards to fill in the blanks.



Sentence Competition

  1. Deal each player (or team) a set of 5 -7 cards.  
  2. Have each player (or team) come up with the longest sentence possible using all of their cards.
  3. The winner will be the player (or team) that has the best sentence, taking into account number of words, grammar, and whatever the judge decides (funniest, silliest, best)


  1. Divide into two teams
  2. Have the first player come to the front and take a card
  3. Set a timer for 1- 2 minutes
  4. The player then acts out that word to the rest of their team until they are able to guess, or until time runs out
  5. Answers must be said in Hebrew
  6. Switch to the other team
  7. Do as many rounds as you wish
  8. The winners are the teams that were able to get more words 


  1. Divide into two teams; make sure to have poster board and markers
  2. Have the first player come to the front and take a card
  3. Set a timer for 1- 2 minutes
  4. The player then draws that word to the rest of their team until they are able to guess, or until time runs out
  5. Answer must be said in Hebrew!
  6. Switch to the other team
  7. Do as many rounds as you wish
  8. The winners are the teams that were able to get more words 



  1. Divide into groups of about 8-10 players at a time.
  2. Tape or use clothespins to attach cards from the Deck-tionary to each camper’s back. Define clear boundaries for the game, and give out some rules:
    1. Players cannot stand still
    2. Players cannot put their backs against a tree a wall or other object
    3. No touching each other!
  3. Once the madrich/a says “Go!”, all campers must try to discover the other campers’ hidden cards without letting anyone see theirs. When a player sees someone’s card, and shouts out the word in English and Hebrew, the player whose card was discovered is out. The last player who manages to keep their word hidden, is the winner.  {The players look like ostriches when playing this game, that’s why the game is called “Ostrich Game”}