Our Impact

Expected Outcomes
- In-school leadership with expertise in Hebrew teaching and learning.
- Custom built, well-articulated curricular framework.
- Well defined assessment tools to measure student progress in all four language skills to clearly track student progress.
- Teacher performance measured against student outcomes.
- Install a culture of transparent teaching and learning within the school.
- Ever-growing collection of resources and learning materials available to teachers.

Results in the Classroom
- Greater desire by students to take risks and to express themselves.
- Increased student motivation and interest in the language.
- Maximal use of the language speaking in complete sentences and answers.
- Participation and expression among all levels of learners in the classroom.
Leading in Hebrew מובילים בעברית
The Leading in Hebrew initiative selects Jewish day schools with the strong commitment to Hebrew education and invests in them to become “demonstration schools”—models of excellence in Hebrew teaching and learning for other day schools and communities to emulate. The overarching objective is that these model schools demonstrate successful educational outcomes, which then catalyze similar outcomes in surrounding schools. Data dissemination and guidance on curricular approaches will subsequently expand knowledge about Hebrew education to other communities in North America.
Beginning in 2019 with the selection of Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School of the Nation’s Capital as our first demonstration school, the Chicago Jewish Community Day School was recently selected as the second project site. Leading in Hebrew is made possible through the generous and visionary support of multiple funders and foundations, including Alisa Doctoroff, Arnee and Walt Winshall, Covenant Foundation, Jim Joseph Foundation, and Mayberg Foundation, reflecting a commitment to elevate the Hebrew language as a communal priority in the Diaspora.
Read more about the announcement of our second Leading in Hebrew school
“We could not be more pleased to see this bold initiative come to Chicago, building upon the strong engagement with Hebrew education that has always been a hallmark of our community. This is a terrific opportunity to leverage both the expertise of Hebrew at the Center and CJDS’s wonderful faculty, leadership and families, and advancing our shared belief in Hebrew’s power to deepen Jewish identity and connection.”
– Lonnie Nasatir, President of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Chicago

Partnering with Hebrew at The Center brought our Hebrew department to the next level. My teachers are more knowledgeable, proficient and confident. Our curriculum is up to date and interesting. Relationship with Hebrew at the Center is a gift any school needs to give to their teachers —
Efrat Amir, Hebrew Chair, Gann Academy, Boston