Hebrew at the Center In The News

The Teacher Competencies Model for Advancing Hebrew Language Education
Andrew Ergas
Together, we can elevate the Hebrew literacy of our students, providing them with one of the essential tools to access and connect with our tradition, our people and Israel.

Why Can’t the Jews Teach Their Children How to Speak Hebrew?
Cole Aronson
American Jewry has spent over $100 million in Hebrew education. The results are far from impressive.
Unlocking Hebrew
Ketti Kanfer Zigdon
With Rosh Hashanah behind us and Yom Kippur ahead, we will soon gather once again to read, sing and make heartfelt declarations in Hebrew.
And for far too many of us, there will still be little to no understanding of the words coming out of our mouths.

Keystones: Celebrating Hebrew Instruction with Rabbi Andrew Ergas
Podcast featuring Rabbi Andrew Ergas
Rabbi Andrew Ergas, Chief Executive Officer for Hebrew at the Center, shares a focus on success stories for Hebrew language instruction and learning in order to promote future successes.
It’s time for teshuva – for Hebrew education
Rabbi Andrew Ergas
More than 1 in 5 Jewish children struggle with language-learning challenges. What are we doing to help them when it comes to learning Hebrew?

Cascadia: Strengthening Hebrew Instruction Through Regional Relationships
Andrew Ergas & Ben Vorspan
Not long ago, Hebrew at the Center (HATC) leadership conducted a series of conversations with Hebrew teachers, Judaic studies coordinators and heads of schools at several schools in the Pacific Northwest, and then shared what was heard with community leaders and funders. Out of those conversations, and the relationships and idea-sharing that resulted from those meetings, a new idea emerged that can become a revolutionary model inspiring the advancement of Hebrew language learning in Jewish day schools across North America: Think regionally, leverage resources communally, and act locally.

Finally, a new hub for people who want to study the language and history of Ladino
Aviya Kushner
The American Ladino League celebrates a language that was the mother tongue of generations of Sephardic Jews

The Changing Landscape of Hebrew Education
Paula Jacobs
From day schools to summer camps, charter schools to online classes, a diverse range of students are studying the language
The critical role Hebrew language learning plays in identity development
Rabbi Mitchel Malkus
Hebrew is the essential connective thread to Jewish civilization, Jewish peoplehood, Israel and its people and to most Jewish literature.

Chicago Jewish Day School selected as model school
Jewish United Fund News
Students will participate in a national Hebrew-language program

Hebrew Is In Trouble — Here’s What We Need To Do
Arnee Winshall
We can sit here and bemoan the facts presented or we can mobilize in the face of this urgency and allocate philanthropic resources to address the problem with solutions that are known to work.

בהוראת שׂפה זרה Digital Social Reading קריאה חברתית מקוונת
Angrist, Mira
Why Assessment? Decision-Making for Effective Hebrew Language Curriculum
Ringvald, Vardit. “Why Assessment? Decision-Making for Effective Hebrew Language Curriculum“. Jewish Educational Leadership. The Lookstein Center. Fall 2011 (10:1). pp. 19-22.
Permanent Link: http://www.lookstein.org/online_journal_toc.php?id=22
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State of the Field: Hebrew Teaching and Learning
Permanent Link: http://www.steinhardtfoundation.org/publication/spring-2011/
Download PDFRaising the Bar in Hebrew Teaching and Learning
Permanent Link: http://www.steinhardtfoundation.org/publication/spring-2011/
Download PDFRaising the Bar in Hebrew Teaching and Learning
Ringvald, Vardit. “Raising the Bar in Hebrew Teaching and Learning”. Contact: The Journal of the Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life. Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life. Winter 2009 (11:3). pp.8-9.
Permanent Link: http://www.bjpa.org/Publications/details.cfm?PublicationID=2441
Israel Studies and the Hebrew Language
Ringvald, Vardit. “Israel Studies and the Hebrew Language”. HaYidion: The RAVSAK Journal. RAVSAK: The Jewish Community Day School Network. Spring 2009. pp. 26-27.
Permanent Link: https://ravsak.org/israel-studies-and-hebrew-language
Strengthening Schools in Hebrew Teaching and Learning
Permanent Link: https://ravsak.org/strengthening-schools-hebrew-teaching-and-learning
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