HATC in the Community עברית במרכז בקהילה
News and Information חדשות ומידע 2022 State of the Field Report The State of the Field Report is a collection of data and various resources on Hebrew education within the Jewish educational realm in North America as we understand it today. By aggregating, curating, and identifying evolving trends, we expect to increase shared learning and begin to have a better understanding of the field. Our hope is that this initial report will encourage more collaboration, more sharing, and more robust research. To create this report, we scanned resources and literature currently available in the field, identified data and research that pertain to Hebrew in Jewish day schools, and reached out to educational partner institutions and individuals whose contributions became integral to this report. We then reviewed and curated this information into like-categories and further defined materials in each category to represent the information available in a clear and concise manner in order to make this information easily accessible to the field. We focused on data from the field covering information specific to Hebrew and Hebrew teachers in Jewish day schools and student assessment data. In addition, we defined and provided resources for five areas of recent growth in Hebrew initiatives. While we acknowledge that this inaugural document is neither comprehensive nor complete, we have nonetheless identified promising trends worth further pursuit. Click here to read the 2022 State of the Field Report. Elevate Hebrew Student Outcomes: May HATC Member School Sign Up Special Whether you use an off-the-shelf curriculum or an in-house program, Hebrew at the Center (HATC) Membership provides a robust package of support, resources, and professional development for your entire Hebrew faculty. Utilizing HATC’s extensive field of expertise in Hebrew language education, a membership includes: Members Only Resource Center, community and learning opportunities, Hebrew and leadership coaching, and onsite visits. HATC membership also includes amazing discounts and other perks including 10% off HATC’s full menu of professional learning and embedded services, 50% discount with AVANT, discounts with partner programs including MaDYK and Hebrew College, and more. If you sign up by Friday, June 17, 2022, current HATC Member Schools will pay the ’21-’22 membership fees for the upcoming ’22-’23 school year, and new Member Schools will gain access to all HATC member benefits for the balance of the school year. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding HATC membership. Member School Highlight בית ספר חבר לדוגמא
The Jewish Day School of Metropolitan Seattle (JDS) was established in 1980 by a small group of community leaders who wanted to provide a value-based education in a Jewish environment. Today, JDS, located east of Seattle, serves about 100 children from early childhood to 8th grade. They offer an investigation-based curriculum in a global learning environment that encourages critical thinking, problem solving, self-confidence, cooperation, leadership, innovation, and more.
JDS started working with Hebrew at the Center (HATC) over eight years ago when the JDS Hebrew staff realized that learning Hebrew as a second language requires different skills and knowledge than they were equipped with at the time. HATC guided the Hebrew teaching team for three years and provided tools and resources for the JDS team to implement the proficiency approach. As a result, when JDS 8th graders travel to Israel they can speak, read, and understand Hebrew. Today, JDS is a HATC Member School and participates in everything membership has to offer.
“I have been working at JDS for 13 years and because of the partnership with HATC I am proud to share that today at our school there is a strong Hebrew program from K-8. Additionally, the school has a wide repository of teaching units according to levels and age of the students. I have the tools and know-how for creating, changing, and adapting every year the subjects according to the schools and learners needs.” Meirav Levy, JDS Hebrew Coordinator Upcoming Programs and Events תוכניות ואירועים קרובים
Ensure May and June Hires are Ready for September!
The New Hebrew Teacher Boot Camp מכינה למורים חדשים provides basic preparation for teachers’ first days at school and aims to build a community of educators to share ideas and engage in team collaboration. This virtual, three-day intensive workshop is designed for beginning Hebrew teachers or teachers early in their career who are interested in the Proficiency Approach. Participants will leave the course with the following:
Dates are Tuesday, Aug. 2, to Thursday, August 4, 2022, 11:30 AM – 5 PM EDT. Cost is $749 for the entire course; 10% discount for HATC or Prizmah members ($674). Click here to register today. Hebrew at the Center aims to revolutionize the effectiveness of teaching and learning Hebrew in all educational settings, worldwide. |